1. Mungkin ada orang rasa kelakar dengan soalan ini, kerana bukankah secara lumrahnya, pekerja mestilah mematuhi arahan majikannya?
2. Namun kita sendiri boleh akui bahawa pada hakikatnya banyak sahaja keadaan yang mana seorang pekerja telah/ingin mengingkari arahan majikannya, sama ada secara sengaja atau tidak sengaja, sama ada dengan alasan atau tanpa alasan. Ini semua di hadapan mata kita sebenarnya.
3. Cuma bila bercakap daripada konteks undang-undang, apakah kedudukan undang-undang berkenaan pekerja yang mengingkari arahan majikannya?
4. Dalam menjawab isu ini, undang-undang yang terpakai sekarang dalam di Malaysia adalah undang-undang yang telah digariskan oleh Mahkamah Persekutuan Malaysia (Mahkamah tertinggi dalam negara) pada 4 Julai 2006 dalam kes Ngeow Voon Yean v. Sungei Wang Plaza Sdn Bhd/lLandmarks Holding Bhd [2006] 1 MLRA 870.
5. Dalam kes ini, Mahkamah telah memutuskan tentang kedudukan undang-undang yang terpakai di Malaysia berkenaan kepatuhan arahan majikan adalah seperti berikut:
“[28] In Malaysia, the general rule governing the doctrine of superior orders is nothing more than the duty of obedience that is expected of an employee. The most fundamental implied duty of an employee is to obey his employer's orders. The classic modern statement of that duty is found in the judgment of Lord Eversherd MR in Laws v. London Chronicle (Indicator Newspapers) Ltd [1959] 2 All ER 285 to be as follows.
It is, no doubt, therefore, generally true that wilful disobedience of an order will justify summary dismissal, since wilful disobedience of a lawful and reasonable order shows a disregard - a complete disregard - of a condition essential to the contract of service namely the condition that the servant must obey the proper orders of the master and that, unless he does so, the relationship is, so to speak, struck at fundamentally.”
[33] From the case law, it is clear that the duty of obedience is confined to compliance with the lawful and reasonable orders of an employer and as such the concept of an order being manifestly wrong has no part in the doctrine of superior orders. To that extent the Court of Appeal erred when it made an exception to the general rule on superior orders when stating that an employee is entitled to disobey the orders of his superior if he, the employee, is aware that such orders are manifestly wrong. However that exception holds good in military or criminal law as seen from the case of PP v. Tengku Mahmood Iskandar [1973] 1 MLRH 82; [1973] 1 MLJ 128 where it was held that "a soldier is not protected where the order is grossly illegal."
[34] The duty of an employee at common law is also similar in that he is to comply with all lawful and reasonable orders given by his employer with respect to the performance of such functions within the scope of his employment. That duty is one of the fundamental obligations which is deemed to be impliedly undertaken in every contract of hiring. The duty of obedience at common law is subject to two qualifications, firstly that the employer may not order his employee to do something illegal or secondly order his employee to do anything dangerous.
6. Namun, bagaimanakah jika pekerja tidak bersetuju dengan arahan majikan tersebut sama ada kerana pekerja tersebut merasakan arahan tersebut adalah bertentangan dengan undang-undang atau pun tidak masuk akal?
7. Bagi menjawab soalan ini, Mahkamah Persekutuan dalam kes yang sama telah memutuskan seperti yang berikut:
[35] However it may well be that an employee is caught in the situation that he is required to obey an order and he is doubtful whether the order is legal or not. Under those circumstances the proper course is for the employee to obey the order first and to challenge its legality in separate proceedings. This distinction is made on the basis that if the law allows the employee to disobey any order he thinks is not legal, it would be impossible for the management to maintain discipline and industrial peace. On the other hand, if the employee takes it upon himself to disobey the order which he thinks to be unlawful and unreasonable two courses are open to him. He can point out his difficulties, if any, to the superior and if the latter insists on the order being carried out, he can do the work and take the matter further in proceedings against his employer or to complain to his union. If he disobeys, he must take the risk if the court finds the order to be lawful and reasonable. See the case of Pan Global Textiles Berhad, Pulau Pinang v. Ang Beng Teik [2001] 1 MELR 39; [2001] 1 MLRA 657; [2002] 2 MLJ 27; [2002] 1 CLJ 181; [2002] 1 AMR 469.
8. Jadi kesimpulannya ialah:
a) Pekerja wajib mematuhi arahan majikannya selagimana ianya adalah selari dengan undang-undang serta munasabah.
b) Jika pekerja gagal mematuhi arahan tersebut, pekerja tersebut boleh dibuang kerja secara serta merta.
c) Namun sekiranya pekerja merasakan bahawa arahan majikan tersebut adalah bertentangan dengan undang-undang atau tidak munasabah, maka pekerja mempunyai dua (2) pilihan seperti yang berikut:
i) Pekerja tersebut boleh memaklumkan kepada majikan kesukarannya dalam melaksanakan tugasan tersebut.
ii) Namun jika majikan tetap mengarahkannya untuk melakukan juga, maka pekerja tersebut hendaklah melaksanakan tugasan tersebut terlebih dahulu dan mengambil tindakan lain terhadap majikan kemudiannya atau mengadu kepada Kesatuan Sekerja.
9. Dengan kata lain, pekerja tidak boleh sama sekali membuat keputusan sendiri dengan mengingkari arahan majikannya kerana merasakan arahan majikan tersebut adalah bertentangan dengan undang-undang atau tidak munasabah
10. Bagaimana pula kalau seorang penjaga gol mengingkari arahan jurulatihnya untuk digantikan dengan penjaga gol yang lain?
Marwan bin Abdullah
Peguambela & Peguamcara
Insiden antara jurulatih Chelsea, Maurizio Sarri dan pejaga gol Chelsea, Kepa Arrizabalaga yang mana Arrizabagala enggan untuk ditukar ganti dalam perlawanan antara Chelsea dan Manchester dalam Carabao Cup tahun 2019